Earlier we had reported that Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam Kapoor, Swara Bhaskar and Shikha Talsani will come together to shoot a special song titled Tareefan from Shashanka Ghosh’s Veere Di Wedding. Today, the four actresses shot for the special song for their film at a suburban studio. While Farah Khan choreographed this dance number, rapper Badshah has crooned it, who will also feature in the song, along with the film’s lead actors.
Earlier today, choreographer Farah Khan took to her social media handle to share a picture with Kareena, Sonam and Badshaah. Alongside the picture, Farah wrote, “Killing it with @sonamkapoor @badboyshah n #kareenakapoor! @vdwthefilm @rheakapoor #fiercenessoverload” Kareena looked gorgeous in a black off-shoulder outfit, while Sonam nailed the monochrome look.
Talking about the special number, Badshah had told a leading tabloid, “Tareefan means compliments in Punjabi. The song will have an urban vibe. I will not only be rapping but also singing for the first time. Qaran Mehta is the music director while I have co-written the lyrics. The treatment of this dance number is completely different from the ones I have done before.”
The shoot of the film was wrapped by the end of last year and is slated to release on June 1. Talking about the film, earlier Kareena had said in a statement, “It’s a different kind of movie. It’s a story of four friends. It’s not the typical boy-meets-girl romance which I think I’ve done so much of. So, I thought this should be different. It’s a small film, made by women. The producers are women – Rhea (Kapoor) and Ekta (Kapoor). I think it’s a special film and people will appreciate it.” Watch this space for further updates.