Bollywood top-notch actress Katrina Kaif, who is known for her curvaceous body and flawless beauty, has recently shared her picture in a black monokini as she stands in the middle of the sea. In the picture, she is standing in the water with her half body outside the water and half inside. Interestingly, the picture has been snapped so professional that it will showcase you the beauty of a beach in a picturesque location. The picture has been clicked by underwater photographer Sumer Verma.
In the photo, Katrina fully drenched into seawater strikes a seductive post and we can’t get our eyes off her. She looks hot and there is no denying to that.
Sharing the post, she wrote, “Verified #tbt ……somewhere in the world by the incredible diver/ photographer @luminousdeep.”
Earlier, the Bharat actress has shared a similar kind of picture where she was seen flipping her hair as she enjoys being a water baby inside an ocean. Kaif, flaunting her curvaceous body in an orange bikini, makes the picture looks perfect with the hair flip. With blue sky and greenery at the background, she looks hot. Sharing the post on Instagram, she wrote, “flippin’ out.” (sic)
Earlier, the Bharat actress has shared a similar kind of picture where she was seen flipping her hair as she enjoys being a water baby inside an ocean. Kaif, flaunting her curvaceous body in an orange bikini, makes the picture looks perfect with the hair flip. With blue sky and greenery at the background, she looks hot. Sharing the post on Instagram, she wrote, “flippin’ out.” (sic)