Nagpur: Expressing his resolve to fight for development of backward areas and hammering out the reservation issue, Kiran Pandav launched his campaigning blitzkrieg in South Nagpur constituency and took Ramana Maruti and Dighori areas by storm with public contact tour and “Padayatra.”
Nominee of Shiv Sena in the coming Assembly election, Kiran Pandav began his campaigning first by paying obeisance at Ramana Maruti Temple amid high-pitched and cheering slogans by a huge crowd of workers and citizens.
The Shiv Sena candidate having “Arrow-Bow” poll symbol then covered Ishwar Nagar, Prashant Nagar, Kirti Nagar, Gurudeo Nagar, Kabir Nagar, Bhande Plot, Chitnis Nagar, Dhanwantari Nagar, Gadge Nagar, New Nandanvan, Mire Layout, Bapu Nagar, Kamgar Nagar, Pawansut Nagar, Tajbagh, Dighori, Sarvashri Nagar, Telephone Nagar, Ramkrushna Nagar, Yogeshwar Nagar, Jijamata Nagar, and other areas and returned back to party office near Dighori Bus Stop. Kiran Yadav was welcomed and blessed by people of the areas.
Hundreds of Shiv Sena leaders, workers and citizens participated in Kiran Pandav’s public contact tour and “Padayatra.”