Nagpur: Orange City has all set to host, year’s most awaited fashion event – “Fashion Fever with Faisu” on December 17, 2019 at Suresh Bhatt Auditorium. The event aims to provide platform for the budding models of the city to showcase their talent and skills.
Renowned TikTok star Faisu alias Faisal Mudassir Shaikh has all set to enthrall Nagpurians on this occasion. Besides massive fan following on social networking site, TikTok, Faisu is also a well-known model and fashion blogger.
The digital sensation Faisu has always been under limelight, from his TikTok videos to his fashion sense along with his hot looks which put cheery on the top. Faisu had also made it to an elite list of top 10 influencers in India. Faisu has also featured in YouTube music video.