Published On : Tue, Jun 26th, 2018

Ladies Circle’s charity for Sangam Vidyalaya students


NAGPUR: Continuing their campaign to ensure hygiene and education to underprivileged children, Nagpur Ladies Circle 50 on Monday dedicated toilet blocks at Sangam Vidyalaya. The two toilet blocks for boys and girls were constructed in a record time of 10 days keeping in the mind the reopening of schools.

Rohit Buty of NSRT-258, who is an architect by profession, took initiative and got the work done. Ladies Circle chairperson of Area-3 Prachi Jindal and Area Chairman Devendra Gandhi were the guests of honor at the program.


Chairperson NLC-50 Disha Gopalani, IPC Esha Agarwal, Vice-Chairperson Deepti Nangia, Secretary Sakshi Diwanka, Treasurer Isha Agrawal, Neha Kasliwal (LC-90) were present at the event and worked hard for its success.

The vote of thanks was offered by Sakshi Diwanka, who thanked the guests of honor and circlers for being a part of the dedication program. She tanked Rohit Buty for the efforts he took in construction of the blocks.

She also thanked the Tablers of NSRT 258 for their support in making the toilet blocks. She also thanked Chairman Sanket Agrawal, IPC Nitin Gopalani and Vice Chairman Kshitiz Agrawal for being part of the ceremony.