Gwalbanshi and seven others were booked at Koradi police station under supervision of SIT officials following a complaint received from Haji Bashir Ashrafi. In his complaint, Ashrafi had claimed that Gwalbanshi and his gang had threatened him to cough up Rs 50 lakh to claim possession of the land he had purchased.
Gwalbanshi and his gang had also roughed up Ashrafi. Charges of extortion, riots, assault, threatening and other cases were slapped on Gwalbanshi and his accomplices following the complaint of Ashrafi.
SIT has also appealed to citizens to approach them in case they have faced any problem with Gwalbanshi and his associates like Vedprakash Wadhwani and Sondaji Chauhan.
Having conducted repeated searches at the offices of Chauhan and Wadhwani, SIT had recovered property documents worth crores. Police have now thrown their door open for complainants to come forward with grievances against Wadhwani and Chauhan.