Lava has finally entered the Iris Pro series segment with its first smartphone launch in the segment. After much contemplation the company has finally launched Lava Iris Pro 30. As this handset will soon hit the stores in Nagpur, the guys are going gaga over trying their hands over this handset. Sensing the craze, other companies would surely jump into the scene with new launches in similar segment. Lava has presented its Iris Pro 30 with the tagline ‘Art Meets Smart’ but it lacks the claim it put forth. Though it has stylish looks but it does not contain any unique feature. Lava Iris Pro 30 is priced at Rs 15,999 and it will be available from the third week of January.
Lava Iris Pro 30 is a dual SIM smartphone that carries one Micro-SIM and one regular SIM card slot. The phone runs on Android Jelly Bean version 4.2. However Android Jelly Bean version 4.3 was expected after such a long wait.
Lava Iris Pro 30 comes with a 4.7-inch IPS display with one glass solution technology. The display is a fully laminated display by Sharp, the Japanese company which specialises in display technologies. The screen resolution is 1280 x 720 pixels and the screen comes with a Gorilla Glass layer for added protection.
Lava Iris Pro 30 runs on 1.2 GHz quad-core processor. The phone comes with 4 GB internal memory of which 2.43 GB is user available. The memory can further be expanded up to 32 GB using MicroSD card slot. The phone comes with 1GB RAM. Once again, looking at the flagship trend, Lava Iris Pro 30 skips many features like increased internal memory and improved RAM leading us to believe the phone is not a flagship but only a filler till the actual flagship is launched.
As far its camera is concerned, Lava Iris Pro 30 comes with an 8 MP rear end snapper and a 3 MP front camera. The phone boasts of dual LED flash and blue tone filter for improved photography. There’s nothing really note-worthy to set the smartphone apart here.
Lava Iris Pro 30 comes with multiple software features like flip to mute, lift to dial/answer a call, OTG USB, Video PIP, etc. But none of the features are unique to the device and there are multiple other handsets which offer similar features.
The claims to be one of the lightest phones in its class and weighs 114 grams with battery. Lava Iris Pro comes with 2000 mAh battery with CABC technology for longer usage and more power.
The phone certainly does not stand up to the hype it made before its launch.
The Android version is slightly outdated with not so exciting features. Lava would soon find the need to come up with upgraded version.