Nagpur: The Ambazari police have arrested a lawyer for causing deaths of two persons at Ram Nagar Square on Sunday afternoon. The lawyer, driving an SUV at a high speed, hit a two-wheeler and crushed to death a woman pedestrian.
The arrested accused was identified as Mayank Makrand Agnihotri (27), a resident of Shankar Nagar. Later, he was released by the police. An official of Ambazari police station said that Agnihotri was charged under Sections 279, 338 and 304 (a) of Indian Penal Code read with Sections 134 and 177 of Motor Vehicle Act for causing deaths of Pawas Rajendrakumar Chaurasia (33), a resident of Shri Radhe Apartment, Hill Top, and Kusum Ishwar Bhoyar (64), hailing from Sanjay Gandhi Nagar, Pandhrabodi.
Agnihotri had come to a temple at Ram Nagar Square with his family members in a Mitsubishi Pajero (MH-31/CP5322). After the accident, the SUV was overturned on the road and Agnihotri was also injured in the mishap.