Nagpur: Acting on the tipoff, the sleuths of Local Crime Branch (LCB) of Nagpur Rural Police raided a gambling den operating at Saichha farmhouse under Kuhi Police Station here, on Sunday night. Besides arresting 18 accused, cops have seized Rs 2.45 lakh cash, 21 mobiles, eight four-wheelers and other materials to the tune of Rs 89.01 lakh during the raid.
The accused identified as Ashish Dhanraj Motghare, a resident of Narsala, Nagpur, Badal Govindrao Borkar, a resident of Gadge Nagar, Nagpur, Sushil Manohar Nimje, a resident of Vihar Nagar, Nagpur, Amol Ramesh Ukey, a resident of Siraspeth, Yogesh Shantaram Paunikar, a resident of Khaparkheda, Saheb Nagendra Shah, a resident of Kuhi, Rajesh Sadhu Naik, a resident of Bahadura, Nagpur, Sunil Kashinath Nerkar, a resident of Vihirgaon, Ashish Arvind Kukde, a resident of Narsala, Nagpur, Vinod Namdev Gawande, a resident of Vihirgaon, Lokesh Baburao Gawande, a resident of Vihirgaon, Ashish Ramesh Varkhade, a resident of Siraspeth, Ram Dhanrak Nandurkar, a resident of Bahadura, Nagpur, Shankar Ramesh Ukey, a resident of Bahadura Nagpur, Sunil Kavaduji Zade, a resident of Dighori, Nagpur, Namdev Nathhuji Parthi have been rounded up by the cops.
According to police sources, LCB PI Omprakash Kokate received secret input regarding a gambling activities being operational at Saichha farmhouse owned by one Chandrakant Pardhi. Acting swiftly on the input, PI Kokate along with ASI Anil Raut, Police Constable Vinod Kale, Dyaneshwar Raut, Arvind Bhagat, Police Naik Mayur Thekale, Satyasheel Kothare, Amrut Kinge, Pranay Banafar, Rohan Dhakore, Shailesh Yadav, driver Amol Kuthe and Sumit Bagde rushed to the spot and rounded up the accused.