Lenevo has launched it entry level 4G enabled smartphone A2010 which will go on an open sale on Flipkart. The phone is priced Rs. 4,990. Considering the prices of all the 4G enabled smartphones in the market, A2010 is the highest-selling 4G phone in India (based on IDC’s latest Q2 report.)
The processor of the phone is MediaTek MT6735m 64-bit quad-core 1GHz processor. It sports a 4.5-inch screen and runs Android 5.1 aka Lollipop. It features 1GB RAM and 8GB internal memory expandable via microSD card. The smartphone supports both of the two available LTE brands: FDD 1800MHz (Band 3) and TDD 2300MHz (Band 40). The phone is equipped with 5MP rear camera with LED flash and a 2MP front-facing camera. The phone is powered bya 2,000mAH battery.