Nagpur: Leo Club of Nagpur Victory, a youth-run non-profit club, undertook tree plantation drive recently. Similarly, the Club organized an event — Project Saturn – on October 10 under the guidance of its parent club, Lions’ Club of Nagpur Victory.
This event was sponsored by Vishnu Manohar, a celebrity chef, and Aayushi Tated, a fourth year B.Tech student studying at VIT Vellore, to help the underprivileged people of the society. To mark the event, a wholesome meal including dal khichdi, fruits, cakes, sweets etc were distributed to poor people. With the active participation of over 20 Leos, the drive was successfully carried out at three different locations in the city, serving more than 200 people.
The Leo Club of Nagpur Victory members said that they were fortunate to get such an amazing opportunity and seeing the radiant smiles on the faces of beneficiaries. “Our act assured us that we had accomplished a good deed and at that moment nothing could have made us more elated and satisfied.”