Nagpur: A leopard cub was killed on Amravati road early Friday morning after being hit by an unidentified speeding vehicle while crossing the road. The incident happened 10 km ahead of Junapani and Kondhali on Amravati road. The impact of the accident was so intense that the leopard could not move from the place and died on the spot.
Soon, nearby villagers gathered on the spot and informed the forest department staff who reached on the spot and performed the formalities.
The vehicle which hit the leopard cub could not be identified till the time of filing the report.
As the summer is progressing, the incident of wild animals straying onto highways have become a common sight. Owing to the drying up water holes and scarcity of food in the forest, the animals wander from one place to another in search of food and water. This often leads to deadly encounter resulting into the death of the animals.