Nagpur: In an unfortunate incident where the forces of nature showed its destruction power, a, 8-year-old girl was killed on the spot when a heavy bolt of lightning hit the tree under which she took shelter from the sudden rains on June 16, 2015.
According to eye-witnesses, the small girl identified as Payal Maras Kohle aged 8 year-old and a resident of Takia Basti (slum area) was playing in the Indian Gymkhana Grounds when it suddenly started pouring accompanied by heavy thunder and lightning. Unfortunately, the small girl took refuge in a small hut sort of structure under a tree situated in the boundary of the ground.
A heavy lightning bolt struck the tree sending a heavy electric current coursing through the body of the small girl. This killed the girl instantly.
On receipt of information the police personnel of Dhantoli Police Station rushed to the spot and after performing the formalities have sent the body to Government Medical College and Hospital for post-mortem.