Nagpur: Confusion surrounded City Administration after a prominent news agency reported, “Limited local transmission of Covid-19 has been seen in some pockets of Nagpur,” claimed it’s sources told the news agency on Saturday. However, when Nagpur Today took matter to District Collector Nagpur, Ravindra Thakre to look into the gravity, the news turned out to be fake.
Speaking to Nagpur Today, Collector Thakre specifically said, “There are only four cases of Covid-19 in city. The news of local transmission of Covid-19 is baseless,” and asked media houses to behave responsibly and verify their sources under such critical conditions.
According to News agency it was reported that “What we have found that about 10 of the 1,300 samples from Nagpur tested positive which indicates limited local transmission of COVID-19 has begun. We have seen this Maharashtra, for example in the pockets of Nagpur. We have strengthened our testing strategies,” sources added.
Thakre also urged citizens, who have been to aboard to self quarantined themselves if they suspect any Covid-19 symptoms. We have alsp enabled isolated rooms for treating such patients at Government Medical Hospitals, he added.
… Shubham Nagdeve