Nagpur: The Election Commission of India on Thursday announced the date for Gondia-Bhandara and Palghar Lok Sabha by-poll. The by-polls will be held on May 28 and counting of votes will be taken up on May 31. The Lok Sabha by-poll for Nagaland seat and Kairana in Uttar Pradesh will also be held on May 28.
The by-election in Bhandara-Gondia is necessitated as sitting BJP MP Nana Patole resigned from the seat late last year and joined the Congress. The by-poll in Palghar is due to the death of sitting BJP MP Chintaman Wanga in January this year.
The Election Commission also announced by-elections for ten Assembly seats in Maharashtra (Palus Kadegaon), Bihar (Jokihat), Jharkhand (Gomia and Sili), Keral (Chengannur), Meghalaya (Ampati ST), Punjab (Shankot), Uttarakhand (Tharali SC), Uttar Pradesh (Noorpur) and West Bengal (Maheshtala).
Notification for all these by-polls will be issued on May 3. Last date of nominations is May 10. Scrutiny of nominations will be held on May 11. The last date for withdrawal of candidatures is May 14. Polling will be held on May 28 while counting of votes will be taken up on May 31.
The Election Commission has decided to use EVMs and VVPATs in the by-elections in all polling stations.