Nagpur News: The esteemed Director at prestigious Lokmat Media Pvt. Ltd and Chairman of famed Lokmat Sakhi Manch Jyotsna Vijay Darda passed away after prolonged illness at Breach Candy hospital in Mumbai on Saturday. She has been struggling from cancer for past several years. She was 61. Her last rites would be performed in Yavatmal, the native place of Darda family.
Her body will be brought to Nagpur at 3 am on sunday by special air craft ..
Jyotsna Darda was admitted to Breach Candy hospital last month where her condition continuously deteriorated. She reportedly suffered from multiple organ failure before she breathed her last. The doctors did all efforts in the last minute to save her but all went in vain.
The bereaved soul has left behind her husband Lokmat Media’s Chairman Vijay Darda, son Devendra Darda, daughter in law Purva and other members in the family.
Jyotsna Darda was born on June 18, 1952 in Jalgaon in the famous Jain family. Suresh Dada Jain is her elder brother.
Quite enthusiastic by nature, Jyotsna Darda remained popular among the society members for her sobre behaviour and down to earth simplicity.
Nagpur Today pays homage to the departed soul