Social Security Wing of City Police’s Crime Branch raided two Beauty Parlours cum Massage Centres in Dhantoli and Bajaj Nagar. The owner Yadesh Puthran and 12 persons including 7 young girls were arrested for being involved in flesh trade. Senior Inspector Sudha Jadhav under the supervision of Dr. Ankush Dhanvijay, JCP Sanjay Saxena and ACP Crime Madho Giri raided Glow Beauty Parlour in Dhantoli and Jingle Bell Beauty parlour and Massage Centre in Bajaj Nagar. Sources said that the raid was a part of the ongoing drive against prostitution in the City. Puthran and the girls were booked under Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act (PITA). Girls employed at the Massage Centers were also provided for prostitution. Cash, Condoms and other material were seized. Nagpur Today brings you exclusive photos of the raids.