Nagpur News : Lured of winning a lottery prize of Rs 25 lakhs, a woman lawyer was duped of Rs3.83 lakhs. The woman claimed that she received a call from the number 923015432432 which is learnt to be from Pakistan.
Police said that the first two digit- ‘92’- is the code of Pakistan cell phones and the caller’s number also has ‘92’ as the first two digits.
On March 1 around 10.30 am, complainant Shilpa Asar, a resident of Vyankatesh Nagar, received a call from the above number saying that she had a won a lottery of Rs 25 lakhs. The caller asked her to deposit procession fee in various bank accounts. In this way, the victim deposited Rs 3.83 lakhs in various account number given by the caller.
However, after depositing Rs 3.83 lakhs, Asar realised of being duped and she reported the matter to Nandanvan police station. Police has registered a case.
Police said that they are trying to contact the caller but it’s not reachable. Cops are yet to verify the account details in which Asar has deposited the money.