Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani directed by Ayan Mukherji featuring Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone is slated for release this May. It will bring along the charisma of a diva of yesteryears, the dhak dhak girl-Madhuri Dixit. As Madhuri will soon be making her comeback with the film Gulab Gang will in fact be seen in the upcoming film Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani too.
This will be the first time ever that Mads will be doing an item number, a far cry from most of her roles till date. Though it may be a question why the actress is opting to do an item number as a comeback even before appearing as the leading lady in her film. The answer is only with Mads, however according to a source, the song will create a lot of ‘dhak dhak’ in the heart of the audiences.
Yash Raj Trivedi