Nagpur: Magma Fincorp, an Asset Finance Company in the city, organized a two-day workshop, named M-Art, on Aug 26 and 27, 2015 in its premises. The workshop was a unique initiative and it was aimed at promoting vocational education and providing a suitable platform to the upcoming artists from among teachers and students in order to enhance their skills.
The workshop was attended by Art-teachers who shared their expertise and guided the participant students on how to create their master-pieces.
The event was graced by the Joint Commissioner of Police- Nagpur city, Raj Vardhan, who is himself an art connoisseur. He was enthralled at the creativity and brilliance of the participants, and he thus applauded Magma on this unique initiative.
One of the significant aspects of the workshop was that the teachers as well as the students had participated together. The teachers, playing the role of mentors for the participating artists were selected from Art Institutes to participate in the workshop. On this occasion, Magma announced two scholarships to the meritorious and needy participants who would be selected, based on their work, post the completion of the workshop.
Joint Commissioner of Police, Raj Vardhan said,”I appreciate painting and appeal to people that they should come forward to encourage such talent which is hidden in many part of our country.” Vardhan further said, “Painting is the form of an expression which can express thousands of words. He congratulated Mamga for such initiative which was organized even before.
In the painting workshop, as many as ten students and two teachers participated and their participation made competition successful. Certificates to the participants were given away at hands of Raj Vardhan.
Speaking on the occasion, Suryakant Mishra, Associate Vice President Corporate Communications, Magma Fincorp Ltd, said that Magma had always encouraged and nurtured talented artists to further their Art and take up as a vocation for their future. Such workshops, we believe, would help the participants enhance their stills and be more employable in the near future, he added.