Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh announces in the Legislative Council that Sachin Vaze will be removed from the Crime Branch and posted in some other department. “It is being done so that an impartial investigation can be conducted in the Mansukh Hiren death case,” Deshmukh announced.
BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis on Tuesday demanded the arrest of police officer Sachin Vaze in connection with the mysterious death of auto parts dealer Mansukh Hiran, the purported owner of a vehicle laden with explosives found near industrialist Mukesh Ambani’s residence.
Fadnavis’s comments in the Maharashtra Assembly led to an uproar in the House, with the Shiv Sena raising the issue of alleged suicide of Dadra and Nagar Haveli Lok Sabha member Mohan Delkar.
Amid the noisy scenes, Deputy Speaker Narhari Zirwal adjourned the House first for 10 minutes.
A Scorpio, with 20 gelatin sticks inside, was found near Antilia, Ambani’s high-rise residence in south Mumbai, on February 25. Police said the vehicle was stolen from Airoli-Mulund Bridge on February 18.
The mystery deepened after Hiran’s body was found in a creek last Friday in Thane district neighbouring Mumbai.
Before the adjournments, Fadnavis claimed that Hiran’s wife has given a statement that her husband may have been murdered by assistant police inspector Sachin Vaze.