Nagpur: Of late, a notice board, prohibiting spitting in Metro Rail premises, has been viral on social media. It was rumoured that the board has been put up by Maha Metro Nagpur at its stations and other premises. Maha Metro had been getting enquires from various sections of the society about the board.
Following enquiries to that effect, Maha Metro makes it clear that it not put up any such board at its stations or other official premises.
Neither such board has been installed in the train. While Maha Metro urges commuters to keep Mazi Metro clean, it also urges one and all, to stay away from such rumour-mongering acts.
Any such misdeed is a punishable offence and could attract legal action under Section 66A of Information Technology (IT) Act. Metro sincerely requests all to not indulge in spreading misconceptions about the Organization.