Mumbai: On the occasion of Ashadhi Ekadashi, Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis performed a pooja at his Varsha bungalow. On Sunday, he had announced that he would not perform annual pooja at Lord Vitthal temple in Pandharpur.
He announced this decision after meeting Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Amit Shah in Mumbai. Also, Maratha leaders had threatened that they would not allow Fadnavis to perform pooja in Pandharpur, accusing the state government of failing in meeting their demands.
Concerning the pilgrims’safety, Fadnavis said that he does want any law and order situation in Pandharpur. Hence, he decided to perform the pooja at his residence.
Every year, a special pooja is performed by the Maha CM at the Vitthal-Rukmini temple in Pandharpur town in Solapur district.