The Governor of Maharashtra Bhagat Singh Koshyari congratulated the contingent of Maharashtra NCC for winning the prestigious Prime Minister’s Banner and the Champion Directorate Trophy at a reception held at Raj Bhavan Mumbai on Wednesday (2 Feb). The Governor was speaking at a Reception hosted by him in honour of the victorious contingent of Maharashtra NCC returning from the Republic Day Camp held in New Delhi.
The Governor saw the medals and trophies won by the NCC contingent and felicitated the NCC cadets and officers for putting up winning performances in the individual and team events at the Republic Day Camp and the Republic Day parade.
The Governor complimented Maharashtra NCC Directorate for winning the prestigious Prime Minister Banner after a gap of 7 years.
Maj Gen Y P Khanduri, Additional Director General Maharashtra NCC, officers of armed forces and members of Maharashtra NCC contingent were present.