Nagpur: Maharashtra state cabinet on December 1, 2015 took various decisions in its meeting, Their subject-wise details are as follows:
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana to be implemented in 15 cities
Under the scope of centrally sponsored Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, the Maharashtra government, with its agreed upon share of contribution, has decided to provide housing in 51 cities/ districts across the state, save Sawantwadi in Sindhu-durg district.
The housing scheme has been made applicable to beneficiaries of four categories—1) Economically Weaker Section (with Rs 3 lakh as annual income); 2) Lower Income Group (with Rs 3 lakh to Rs 6 lakh as annual income), income range revised as per central government guidelines. This scheme will not be applicable to those cities which are introducing Slum Rehabilitation Drive.
3) Feasible house construction through private participation in the housing scheme, for minimum 250 houses, of which 35% houses to be constructed for economically weaker section (with central assistance of Rs 1.5 lakh and state assistance of Rs 1 lakh per house); and 4) Housing for All Plan of Action (with central assistance of Rs 1.5 lakh and state assistance of Rs 1 lakh per house).
Maharashtra Nisarg Paryatan Vikas Mandal to be set up
The state government has decided to set up Maharashtra Nisarg Paryatan Vikas Mandal in forest area of state with a view to ensure protection of 58 wildlife species protection areas which consist of in all 48 sanctuaries, 6 national parks and 4 conservation reserved forests and promote tourism in the Nature’s lap.
The regulatory and executive authority of this Mandal will be set up at Nagpur, with Forest Minister as its chairman and the principal chief conservator (Forest Resource) as its executive chief.
The Maharashtra Nisarg Paryatan Vikas Mandal will take care of development of forests and natural resources in forest, wildlife, tiger projects, sanctuaries, reserve forests and national parks, tourism with the cooperation of international organisations, preservation cultural and environmental values, and so on.
Fifth Pay Revision for full-time teachers of vocational and bi-focal courses
Directorate of Vocational Education and Training, Maharashtra has decided to revise the pay scales of full-time teachers of vocational and bi-focal courses, under its jurisdiction, as per recommendations of the Fifth Pay Commission, from January 1, 1996 to March 31, 2014, and the revision has been made admissible from April 1, 2014.
Also, the 3-tier revised pay scales to such full time teachers have been made applicable with effect from March 1, 2000.