Pune: In Maharashtra, as many as 1.02 lakh students appeared for the exam and 23,140 cleared it, taking the pass percentage to 22.65% – showing a decline of 2.31% against last year’s results.
The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary education announced the results of the exam, which was held in July this year, on Friday afternoon. The students who have passed the exam will now be able to participate in the special admission rounds to be conducted by various colleges and departments different universities in the state.
The exam was conducted for 131 subjects in nine divisions of the state, including Pune, Mumbai, Kolhapur, Nagpur, Amravati, Latur, Konkan, Nashik and Aurangabad. “The examination was conducted under strict vigilance and district collectors in the state ensured that there was no malpractice by deploying flying squads and making necessary security arrangements at exam centres,” chairman of the state board Shakuntala Kale told TOI on Friday soon after the results were declared.
Kale said the marksheets of the students will be distributed at a later date to be announced by the board. The Latur division recorded the highest pass percentage with 31.48, followed by Aurangabad (28.50), Kolhapur (25.94), among others. Mumbai recorded the lowest pass percentage at 19.27.
Apply for reevaluation from August 27 The state board has said that students who wish to apply for revaluation of answer sheets can start applying from August 27 to September 5. To apply for the photocopy of answer sheets, students can fill up the form from August 27 to September 15.