Arya Car’s 2nd dealership saw a grand inauguration at great Nag road. Organized by owner Vishal Barbate, the plush car showroom witnessed the launch at the hands of Bollywood actress Mahima Chaudhary. Some prominent faces of the city’s business arena were spotted in the best of their attires, that included B. Shankar, DGM State Bank of India as well.
Elated over his new step, Vishal Barbate said, ‘After registering success with our flagship dealership at Bhandara Road, the plan to roll out the second venture was charted. Being a winner of the coveted Maruti Suzuki’s platinum band thrice now is a great feeling!’
Mahima looked perfect for the event in her sober yet beautiful black dress. People gave best of their wishes for its success. The celebrity coordinator was Sanjay Kukreja of Balaji Entertainments.
PICS BY: Vinay Thorat and Amol Ghajbiye