Nagpur: Imamwada Police on Sunday arrested a 21-year-old youth for allegedly attacking a 35-year-old man with an iron road. The accused has been identified as Harshal alias Himanshu Suresh Ramteke, a resident of Chadan Nagar.
According to police sources, the complainant Rakesh Uttam Bhave (35), a resident of Chandan Nagar had an argument with Harshal’s father Suresh. Irked over which Harshal attacked Rakesh with an iron rod near Untkhana Chowk on Sunday afternoon. Profusely bleeding Rakesh was subsequently rushed to Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH). Based on the statement received, Imamwada Police have booked the accused Harshal under Sections 326, 504 of the IPC and placed him under arrest.