Nagpur: Hingna police have booked a 35-year-old man allegedly for thrashing and manhandling a 64-year-old doctor near Vainganga College of Engineering, Dongargoan on Friday. The accused has been identified as Sachin Ramdas Shende, a resident of Palkar Lay-out, Mahajanwadi Hingna.
According to police sources, complainant Dr Bramhanand Bajirao Karnekar, a resident of Flat. No. 10, Corporation Colony had lent some money from accused Shende couple of years back. However, the duo had messed up their relation recently and was sharing heated arguments regarding the same.
On Friday, at around 3.30 pm, Shende approached Dr Karnekar who was taking a walk near college premises. The duo first engaged in heated argument. In the fit of rage, Shende then hit the 64-year-old doctor with wooden sticks. As some locals came to intervene, the accused then fled the spot leaving Dr Karnekar lying in a pool of blood.
Based on the statement given by the doctor, Hingna police have booked the accused Shende under Sections 325, 294, 506 of the IPC and started the probe.