Nagpur: Yashodhara Nagar police have booked a man allegedly for peeping at 26-year-old married woman who was taking a bath in her washroom on Tuesday afternoon. Based on the complaint filed by the victim a case of molestation has been registered against accused identified as Mohammad Musheer Mohammad Zahir Ansari.
According to police sources, the 26-year-old woman had gone to take a bath at around 3pm on Tuesday. When she was taking bath in the washroom, accused Ansari, a neighbor was staring at them through the window. When then victim noticed the accused watching them, she screamed and rushed outside the bathroom. She subsequently narrated the incident to her spouse who later went to see accused Ansari. However, Ansari also reportedly manhandled the victim’s husband.
In the meantime, cops have booked accused Ansari under Section 354 (C), 323, 506 of the IPC and started the investigation.