Nagpur: Kotwali police have booked a lewd man on the charges of posting vulgar and abusive comments on his girlfriend’s Facebook page. The accused also threatened to kill her and her family.
The accused, Vishal Shrirang Mohite (26), native of Kadegaon Tehsil, District Sangli but currently staying at Pachara, Rajgarh (MP), ‘befriended’ the 25-year old woman, resident of Kotwali area, through Facebook and later obtained her mobile phone number. Thereafter, the accused Vishal Mohite started posting nasty and abusive comments and images on the woman’s Facebook page. The accused also threatened to kill her and her family. Moreover, he also threatened to upload her photo in social media. The accused Vishal Mohite continued to torment the complainant woman with his obnoxious acts for a period of one year between June 26, 2017 and May 22, 2018 and thus outraged her modesty. Fed up with the ordeal, the woman approached the police and registered a case against the accused.
Kotwali Woman PSI V D Wadaskar, after registering a case under Sections 354(D)(2), 506(2), 504 of the IPC, traced the comments to the accused Vishal Mohite. Further probe is underway.