Nagpur: In yet another shocking incident, a 40-year-old man was booked by Koradi for raping his two daughters-aged 16 and 13- for around eight months.
The plight of the motherless victims came to light after they shared their problem with a female peon of their school who in turn informed their class teacher. The teacher alerted a NGO owner and reported the matter to Koradi police station.
Accused Roshan, a labourer, originally hails from Madhya Pradesh but has been shifted to Nagpur from last ten years.
The victim’s mother had allegedly committed suicide over Roshan’s torture in MP in 2002. “MP Police had booked Roshan for abetment of his wife’s suicide and thus to avoid police action, he fled to Nagpur. ,” informed police. Besides daughters, Roshan had a son from his first wife.
Cops said that he has been staying at Patil Nagar of Jahsalgaon in Koradi. After shifting to Koradi, he had his second marriage. However in 2010, his second wife and his son left home. Police said that Roshan would harass the duo suspecting an illicit relationship between them.
According to police, Roshan sexually assaulted 16-year-old girl for the first time on July 5 last year. “He had threatened her with blade and knife before forcing himself upon her,” informed police. Since then, he would regularly assault the girl.
Last month, a 13-year-old girl saw her father’s shameful act. Roshan threatened her too and made her victim.
Few days before, the younger victim told about the incident to her elder sister. Unable to bear the pain that her younger sister too was made victim, the elder victim shared her problem with the peon of her school.
On learning the incident, Koradi police immediately arrested Roshan without wasting any time. He will be produced in the court tomorrow.