Nagpur: In a nasty act, a pervert man made a video clipping of his 33-year old wife bathing to extort dowry money. The accused man started harassing his wife for a dowry of Rs 10 lakh by threatening to make the video viral. Her in-laws also grabbed her jewellery. Mankapur police have registered a case against the husband and his parents.
According to police, the woman’s husband and in-laws live in Washim district. The woman married for the first time in 2008. During that time she gave birth to twins. She later divorced her husband as he was abusive. She started living with children at her parents’ house.
She later met a businessman through and married him in 2019. Her relatives gave jewellery worth Rs 4 lakh during the marriage. She left her children with parents and started living with her second husband. When the woman got pregnant, her husband and his parents started harassing her and demanded Rs 10 lakh from her. Because of tension and harassment, the woman suffered miscarriage. She became pregnant again but again had a miscarriage.
Based on the complaint of the woman, Mankapur Police have registered a case and started investigation.