In yet another incident of cyber crime, a 35-year old man was duped by a conman purportedly in the name of high-profile online job portal The man fell prey to the lucrative but bogus job promise between September 6 and 11. Jaripatka police have booked the conman in this connection and launched a search to trace him.
According to police, Jayant Pancham Mankar (35), a resident of Kalpana Nagar, had done registration with the online job portal recently. After some days, the accused Mohd Shahnawaz, acting as an official of, contacted Jayant and informed him that he is required to deposit certain amount in the bank account bearing number 32134897067. Jayant deposited Rs 55,000 time to time to the account mentioned by the accused. However, Jayant soon realised that he had been cheated as the promised job was nowhere to seen but the amount vanishing from the account. The accused Mohd Shahnawaz systematically withdrew Rs 55,000 from the account through ATMs. Finally, Jayant lodged a complaint with Jaripatka police on Monday. Cops have registered an offence under Sections 66 (k) (d) of the IPC and probing the matter from all angles.
However, this is not an isolated case of duping job-seekers. Hundreds of youths have been cheated by conmen by demanding money for offering jobs in reputed companies, sources today.
Cyber Cell of Economic Offences Wing (EOW) had been flooded with complaints about some unknown persons allegedly using the name and trademark of reputed companies to cheat people by offering jobs online.
Fraudulent emails using the names and logos of companies were being circulated with promised jobs in the companies. These emails were sent to entice people to make payments to get the job, which of course, they never got. The accused in turn send emails to job-seekers purportedly in the name renowned companies and ask them to deposit money as refundable deposit in bank accounts, said the sources.