Nagpur: In a swift action, MIDC police in Nagpur rescued a 34-year-old man who was allegedly kidnapped by his sister’s harasser on Wednesday from Balaji Nagar within hours of the crime. The man was let go by the abductors in Madhya Pradesh after police built up pressure and started chasing the accused.
The rescued man is identified as Upadhyay while the prime accused in the case is Mukesh Bharati.
Cops attached to MIDC Police Station deployed on bandobast for Ram Navami and Lok Sabha elections, received information that a man residing at Balaji Nagar was abducted from his house and taken in a car from his house around 7.40 pm on April 17. Senior Inspector Praveen Kale and his staff rushed to his house. After taking cell numbers of his wife and relatives, police contacted them and came to know he had thrashed one Mukesh Gautam Bharati, a resident of village Thaloie, tehsil Machhlishahr, district Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, as he was troubling his sister.
A complaint was also lodged against Bharati by the abductee’s father at Machhlishahr Police Station. MIDC Police immediately contacted Machhlishahr Police and informed them about the incident. They took Bhartai’s photographs from Machhlishahr Police and circulated them to UP and MP Police. Machhlishahr Police then visited Bharati’s house for conducting an inquiry in this connection. Family members of Bharati informed him on mobile phone that Police from Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh were after him. Sensing trouble, Bharati, his driver and three others dropped the kidnapped man at Lakhnadon and sped away in the car.
This led to Bharati to force Upadhyay to call his family to say that he was ok and currently in Jaripatka area. When Upadhyay called a neighbour, MIDC PI Pravin Kale was also present there. Kale spoke to Upadhyay and told him to cut the phone if he was in any kind of danger. Upadhyay cut the phone instantly, giving cops the confirmation that he was in danger.
Police tracked the location of the mobile phone and found it to be in Madhya Pradesh. MIDC police contacted their Madhya Pradesh counterparts who soon set up nakabandis in the area where the accused’s location was indicated by the electronic evidence.
Finally, Bharati realised that the police would arrest him, so he dropped Upadhyay in Lakhnadon region of Madhya Pradesh. Cops picked up Upadhyay and also conducted his medical check up.
Following a complaint lodged by the victim, police registered a case under Sections 364,367,368, 324 and 34 of the Indian Penal Code against Bharati, his driver and three others.