Nagpur: A 32-year-old man was thrashed to death by three accused over a petty issue here, under Jaripatka Police Station in the wee hours of Thursday. The accused identified as Aashish Bagde, Monu Sadoria and Golu Landgi, all residents of Barakholi, Indora later dumped the body of Shailesh Badele inside a nearby well, police said.
According to police sources, the accused Monu had shared a conflict with the nephew of the deceased. Between the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday, the accused reportedly barged inside Badele’s house, while his entire family was out of town. The accused trio reportedly picked up a quarrel with Shailesh over his nephew’s enmity with Monu and had asked him to accompany them. At around 1 am the accused trio reportedly took Shailesh to an isolated place near Shravasti Buddha Vihar and thrashed him black and blue. Shailesh reportedly succumbed to beating on the spot. The accused later dumped Shailesh’s body in the nearby well.
The matter came to the fore in the morning, when the body was found floating inside the well. Based on the complaint filed by the family of the deceased cops have booked the accused trio on the charge of murder and placed two of them under arrest.