Published On : Wed, Jun 26th, 2024

Man Kills Wife in Kapil Nagar, Nagpur Over Suspicions of Infidelity


Nagpur: What began as a love marriage in 2022 ended tragically in 2024 with the murder of Mannat alias Minu Dilpreet Kaur Virk (24) by her husband, 30-year-old Dilpreet alias Vikky Kulvindersingh Virk. The incident occurred on Tuesday in Kapil Nagar, where Dilpreet allegedly attacked Mannat, causing fatal head injuries, according to Kapil Nagar Police.

The case came to light after Vishal Prakash Harjani (20), a resident of Hudco Colony, Jaripatka, filed a murder complaint. Police sources revealed that Dilpreet and Mannat had a history of disputes, primarily fueled by Dilpreet’s suspicions about Mannat’s fidelity. Despite their love marriage, disagreements over Mannat’s friendships often led to heated arguments.


On the day of the incident, Dilpreet contacted Vishal to express his suspicion after reportedly seeing Mannat with another man. Subsequently, he called Mannat, intending to discuss divorce. However, after she left to meet him, Mannat ceased responding to calls, prompting Vishal to raise concerns. With the help of Dilpreet’s brother and Mannat’s friend, they approached Kapil Nagar Police Station.

Upon arriving at Dilpreet’s residence in Panchavati Arya Society, Dixit Nagar, they found the door locked. Upon breaking in, cops discovered Mannat lying in a pool of blood, the result of a severe head injury inflicted by Dilpreet. He allegedly left her wounded and locked the house before fleeing the scene.

In response to the complaint, police registered a case under Section 302 of the IPC (Indian Penal Code) and promptly arrested Dilpreet.