Nagpur:In his first comment after the results of the Lok Sabha elections were announced, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat highlighted the need to get over the election rhetoric and resolve the Manipur conflict as a priority.
Addressing a Sangh event in Nagpur on Monday, Bhagwat said, “It’s been a year since Manipur has been waiting for peace. The state remained peaceful for the last 10 years, but suddenly, gun culture has increased again. It is important to resolve the conflict as a priority.”
“The situation in Manipur will have to be considered with priority. There is a need to get over election rhetoric and focus on problems facing the nation,” the RSS chief asserted.
Manipur plunged into ethnic violence in May last year after conflict between Imphal valley-based Meiteis and hill-based Kukis flared up, resulting in more than 200 deaths and leaving thousands homeless.
Speaking about the election results, Mohan Bhagwat said results were out and a government had been formed so unnecessary talk on what and how it happened can be avoided.
He also stressed on the need for consensus between the government and the Opposition so that work for the masses can be carried out.
“Election is a process of building consensus. Parliament has two sides so that both aspects of any question can be presented,” the RSS chief said.
“All over the world, society has changed, resulting in systemic change. That’s the essence of democracy,” he added.
Mohan Bhagwat highlighted how political parties and leaders bad-mouthing each other are not taking into account that these may cause rifts among communities. He lamented that even the RSS was being dragged into it.
“The way in which people abuse each other, misuse technology, and spread fake news during election campaigns is not right,” the RSS chief said.
“We will have to get rid of the election frenzy and think about the issues faced by the country,” he added.