Nagpur: Mankapur police have rounded up a criminal involved in burglary at a Buddha Vihar recently. The accused named Rohit alias Karan Purshottam Nokriya (18), resident of Plot No. 54, near Maqbul Masjid, Inge Layout, had stolen a laptop, two mobile phones collectively worth Rs 17,000. The accused had also tried to remove cash from a donation box kept at the religious place.
The accused Rohit had gained entry into the Buddha Vihar by breaking open latch of main hall. He first tried to steal cash from donation box but did not succeed. The accused later broke open lock of Vihar’s library and decamped with a Dell company laptop worth Rs 15,000 and two old mobile phones worth Rs 2000.
After registering a case, cops launched search of the accused and acting on a tip-off, nabbed the accused Rohit. Rohit was spoted wandering suspiciously on the night of burglary. He was detained and questioned intensely. Rohit confessed to stealing the booty which has been seized by police from his possession.
The arrest was made by Senior PI Ganesh Thakre, PSI Kailash Magar, constable Rameshwar Gite, NPC Santosh Rathod, sepoys Hitesh Farkude, Sunil Bais, Sunil Vishwakarma under the guidance od DCP (Zone 2) Vinita Shahu and ACP Rekha Bhavre.