Nagpur: The crime branch of Pratap Nagar has recovered a dead body of a 40 year old man from a travelling bag lying in an autorickshaw. A young couple reportedly in their thirties has allegedly fled after leaving this bag in the autorickshaw, police sources said quoting the concerned autorickshaw fellow. The incident happened at around 3 am on Monday.
As per the information, in the dark of intervening night of Sunday and Monday, the said unidentified couple carrying dead body in the bag, boarded an auto-rickhaw from Pratap Nagar square. They asked the driver to drop them at Mate square.
However mid way as the driver suspected foul play, he stopped his autorickshaw and took an excuse to attend the nature’s call and called up at Pratap Nagar police station. Sensing the trouble, the couple immediately fled the spot leaving the bag behind. Soon the police reached the spot and shocked to recover the dead body in the bag.
There were no injury marks on the body, the identity of which was yet to be ascertained. Police suspected that he might have been killed either by strangulation or poisoning. The body has been sent for postmortem. Pratap Nagar police was investigating the matter.