AMRAVATI: The renowned Dr Pachlore Foundation, under its annual Inspiration Fest, will be organizing a show of Marathi play “Zara Samjun Ghya” on 21 July at 6 pm. Featuring veteran actor Dr Mohan Agashe and Manjusha Ghodse, the is a production of Maharashtra Cultural Centre Pune.
Apart from providing its services in the medical field, Dr Pachlore Foundation also works in the areas of culture, sports, literature and education. The Foundation organizes Inspiration Fest every year with a treat of several cultural programs.
“Zara Samjun Ghya” tell the story of Sagar Ahire, who files a criminal case against Dr Ninad Bhagwat holding him responsible for his father’s death due to medical negligence. The play focuses upon the development the medical sciences have gone through in the last few decades, the rising expectation of patients from doctors and also the highly commercial approach of medical practitioners.
Dr Pachlore Foundation’s medical director Dr Sanjivani has appealed to people not to miss the play.