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Nagpur:The Chamber of Associations of Maharashtra Industry trade (CAMIT) welcomes the step taken by Government of Maharashtra to deregulate essential commodities from the purview of APMC . While welcoming the move, CAMIT strongly feels that the commodities should be made exempt even within the market yards. This will not only make a level playing field for all the traders but will also justify the shifting of markets from congested marketing places to the APMC markets.
Shri Mohan Gurnani Chairman CAMIT along with representatives of Associations of APMC markets and the Mathadi leaders Shashiknt Shinde and Narendra Patil met Hon. Minister for Cooperation Subhash Deshmukh and urged him to free the APMC market also from the shackles of APMC administration. The Hon. Minister while appreciating the stand taken by the delegation could not give an assurance on this issue.
Dipen Agarwal President Chamber of Associations of Maharashtra Industry & Trade ( CAMIT ) pointed out that he expects the state Government to act immediately and free the market yards also from the hassles of APMC, any delay would render the traders, Mathadi workers and Transporters sitting in the markets jobless and the market yards would be deserted. After consulting various associations from Mumbai and all the taluka places It has been decided to close down all the APMC markets throughout State on 27th November 2018 for one day to protest to draw attention of the state government towards the issue & its seriousness .
Market yards from major cities like Poona, Sangli, Nasik, Kolhapur , Navi Mumbai Thana etc have already taken a decision to observe one day token Bandh on 27th November to draw the urgent attention of Government of Maharashtra.
CAMIT therefore requests all the APMC market yards across Maharashtra to observe one day token BANDH on 27th November 2018 to protest and express our solidarity on the issue for early resolution .