Security in Mathura has been beefed up amid the Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha’s (ABHM) call to recite the Hanuman Chalisa at Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi complex-Shahi Idgah Masjid maidan in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh.
Police barricading has been placed at various places in Mathura this morning and vehicle checking is being done.
Amid the ABHM’s call, the Mathura district administration has directed Police forces and security personnel to remain on high alert.
Earlier on Saturday, the ABHM sought permission from the Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to perform Laddu Gopal’s ‘Jalabhishek’ and recital of the ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ at the Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi-Idgah on December 6.
ABHM’s request came after the district administration imposed restrictions on December 1 in the wake of the 30th anniversary of the Babri Masjid demolition. The restrictions will remain in effect till January 28.
District Magistrate Pulkit Khare imposed the prohibitory order. It has been stated in the order that any political, social, or religious organisation, or any other gathering of five or more people, any kind of gathering, picketing, demonstration, etc. will not be allowed without permission.
In the event of a violation, strict action will be taken against the person or organisation in question under Section 188 of the Code of Police Criminal Procedure.