Shivam Joshi, a young tech wizard is an entrepreneur, founder and executive director at Codon’s Ltd. This individual is India’s youngest corporate trainer for Artificial Intelligence. He started his entrepreneurial journey at the mere age of 18. Building Codon’s from scratch and all by himself, Shivam’s efforts are praise worthy. Within a span of year, he scaled up and became a corporate trainer at the young age of 19. Shivam has always been of the strong opinion that marks and grades are just an overviewing factor but it cannot define one’s worth. He proved his words through his exceptional accomplishments. Shivam trained employees which includes companies like LTI, Infosys, HCL, Wipro, TCS and many more.
Vision for moving ahead
Even in the twenty-first century, executions, jobs, and education are not practicable. Aspirants are enrolling in a variety of colleges and courses they had never considered and making course and institution choices based on the availability of college seats. The mindset regarding employment is also the same. Therefore, the goal is to instil a practical attitude towards learning at any age.
Motto behind creating Codon’s
To create highly customised training programs that will enhance the value of an individual in the job or career market. No matter which industry a person belongs to, training should imprint lessons so valuable in his/her personality that they will stay with the individual and come in handy at every stage of one’s career. Failure or success at this stage of life is not so important, but the experience you gain from it is sure to take you far!
“Don’t make a profile for your resume. Fill your life with experiences not with materialistic things because your experience will always build you and your profile.”