Published On : Sat, Dec 1st, 2018

Metro Gets Hi-Tech Track Maintenance Technology


New Machine Would Execute Track Work Faster

NAGPUR: As part of its continuous efforts to upgrade its working methodology, Maha Metro Nagpur has acquired state-of-art integrated track maintenance technology required for maintenance of its tracks. The Organization has bought the latest `Plasser 08-16 B SH/ZW’ machine.

Gold Rate
Tuesday18 March 2025
Gold 24 KT 88,700 /-
Gold 22 KT 82,500 /-
Silver / Kg 100,900 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
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In all, 23 trains are being procured by Maha Metro. These trains are required to be maintained at MIHAN and Hingna Car Sheds. Several works in these two car sheds have been completed. These car sheds have been designed as per international standards duly engaging famous architects.

Maha Metro has saved substantial area of these Car Sheds by optimising the maintenance requirement and by adopting innovative technique. Network of rail-track has been provided in these car shed where metro train moves on concrete sleepers laid at 60 cm spacing. These tracks are supported on stone ballast which require frequent packing.

Till now this packing of concrete sleeper is done by engaging man-power. But now, Maha Metro has purchased hi-tech `Plasser 08-16 B SH/ZW’ machine designed on German Technology, which is made in India. This state of art machine is capable of maintaining track including turnout with high degree of accuracy.

The machine can perform multiple functions like measures pre & post track geometry, corrects the track to required geometry, can tamp single sleeper, and measure post tamping track parameters to ensure quality of the work executed. The machine can work both in plain tracks as well as on turnouts.

The machine has been manufactured by Plasser India located at Faridabad, under MAKE IN INDIA initiative with imported components. The machine will also eliminate manual measurement of track quality after maintenance as it has been equipped with latest technologies of SMART- ALC, CMS and CWS systems.

For visual control, cameras and monitoring screens are provided in the machine. The machine is also fitted with an arrangement for self-lifting & loading on trailers. Hence additional cranes are not required to transport the machine from MIHAN to Hingna.
