Nagpur News : A middle-aged man attacked a young man over trivial issue of BC money under the jurisdiction of Pachpaoli Police Station on Thursday. According to the information, Maninder Ajinder Singh Sandok (38), a resident of Plot No. 1301, Vishal Tower, near No. 10 puliya, was standing near Fashion Market Sales, near Kamptee Road. Accused Pamma Sohal (48), a resident of Buddhaji Nagar, behind Gurudwara, came towards Maninder. They had a heated-up argument over money of BC funds. When Maninder refused to give the money, angered Pamma took out his kirpal and attacked Maninder and threatened to kill him. Fearing arrest Pamma fled the spot.
Maninder had serious injuries on his hand and head. Maninder was rushed to Shrikrishna Hospital. On being informed Pachpaoli police rushed to the spot. PSI Rajput lodged a complaint against Pamma under Sections 326 and 506 (b) of the IPC, informed PI Prakash Bele. Police are searching for absconding Pamma and further investigations are under way.