Nagpur: In a major action, Lakadganj police raided a building in the infamous Ganga-Jamuna area and rescued a minor girl being forced into flesh trade. A woman, hailing from Gwalior and running the brothel, has been booked. The rescued girl probably hails from southern part of India.
On a tip-off, a team of Lakadganj police swooped on a building named Gotafode Building in Ganga Jamuna (Red Light) area and found the minor girl being detained in a small room at mezzanine floor of the building.
The minor girl was being used forcibly for flesh trade by the accused Amrita Dugga Kalkhor (40), originally hailing from Reshampura, Motizeal, District Gwalior (MP) but running a brothel in Ganga Jamuna area for livelihood.
Lakadganj API Mulani has booked the accused Amrita Kalkhor under Sections 344, 366(A), 372, 373 of IPC read with Sub-Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of Prevention of Illegal Trafficking Act and initiating further course of action.