Nagpur: Four elderly women who visited a dargah near Wanjari Nagar water tank had a miraculous escape on Friday when a huge tree branch fell upon them, causing minor injuries to all of them. All the four had come to Syed Baba Farid Dargah and were checking out after offering prayers, when the incident happened. The women include Gangu Ramesh Sontakke, 50, Ganga Bai Haribhau Bhagat, 70, resident of Chandramani Nagar, Kanta Shankar Fulzale, 55, resident of Ramteke Nagar and Sumitra Arjun Khadse, 55 resident of area near Dargah.
Surprisingly. all the women remained stuck under the branch for long time till the police reached the spot and extricated them to safety.
All of them were later sent to Government Medical College and Hospital, where they have been reportedly recovering.
Assistant Police Inspector at Ajni police station Subhash Shejud informed the injured women have sustained only superficial injuries and are not serious in nature. However, the women are undergoing treatment at GMCH.
The concerned tamarind tree is said to be more than 80 years old and had weakened in branches. Ajni police is further investigating the matter.