Nagpur News : A 32-year-old man filed complaint against money lender Mahesh Pardhi for allegedly entering her K T Nagar residence and threatening him of dire consequences. He claimed that Pardhi has been torturing him to give more interest for the loan amount which he had taken from him a year before.
Complainant Shantanu Borkar told police that he had taken debt amount of Rs 82,500 from Pardhi for some personal purpose and had even deposited blank cheques with his signature and other documents with him. Later, despite of returning the taken amount with interest, Pardhi has been demanding more interest on the debt amount. He claimed that till September, he had taken Rs 3 lakhs from him as interest and still demands for Rs 3 lakhs more.
On Wednesday morning, Pardhi forcefully entered his house and threatened of dire consequences if he didn’t pay Rs 3 lakh to him. A case was registered by Gittikhadan police.