Nagpur: The second week of Monsoon Session of State Legislature commenced today after havoc wreaked in by heavy rains on the city on Friday. During the Question Hour in Assembly on Monday, BJP’s Milind Mane, Sudhakar Deshmukh and Vijay Kale raised deaths of patients in Regional Mental Hospitals of Nagpur and Pune.
In written reply, the Public Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr Deepak Sawant informed the House that four mental patients died in the month of May 2018 itself in Nagpur hospital. Total 22 patients have died this year.
In Pune’s Yerwada Mental Hospital, 33 patents have died in the period from January to April in 2018. A total of 139 patients have died in this mental hospital in the past two years. The causes of deaths of patients admitted in mental hospitals are registered in concerned police stations based on medico legal case probe and post-mortem report. Bodies of those patients whose relatives refuse to claim them are sent to different medical colleges and used for medical education, the minister said.
According to a government decision of May 2017, the Guest Committee head by respective District Magistrates reviews every death of patient in mental hospitals.